VKVC Sequential Pig Launcher and Receiver

Multiple pig launchers are designed to allow the sequential launching of pigs and spheres. Using our automatic multiple pig launching system a series of pigs can be launched into a pipeline without having to repeatedly depressurise and re-pressurise after each pig launch. The process can also be controlled from a remote location. This is particularly relevant on unmanned platforms such as offshore platforms and sour service applications.
Sphere release fingers on sphere launchers are used to control the release of a series of spheres into a pipeline.
VKVC will design pig launcher and receiver systems which are ‘tailor-made’ to meet specific operational requirements.VKVC manufactures extension Pig Barrels to extend major barrel length of Existing Pig Barrels. Extension Pig Barrels consist of one quick opening closure and one adaptor to hook up the extension Barrel to existing Pig Barrel QOEC. VKVC has extended major barrel length of Pig Barrels to enable launch / Receive of multiple pigs and inspection tools.This can include:
- Multiple valve operation
- Automatic or manually operated pig and sphere release systems
- Integrated skid mounted packages
In addition to the supply of newly manufactured pig launchers and pig receivers, VKVC provides an inspection, maintenance and refurbishment service to existing in service pig launchers and receivers.Quick Opening and closures .